Having a bright kitchen in your home makes it more inviting and enjoyable to live with. However, some people do not want additional electric lighting because it might be jarring. Ideally, they want increased natural light which will be less straining on the eyes and has a warm hue.

There are additional solutions to increase the perceived lighting in the room without needing to add more light. We are not looking at creating additional sun power but playing off the environment to enhance the light already there.

Here are some of the top ten ways to add more natural light to your space without electric lighting solutions:


Photo: Light on White Design Studio

Mirrors are a simple way to add natural light into space by reflecting the light source and amplifying it. These can be added to backsplashes to give the appearance of doubling the size of the room. If you place mirrors next to any other light sources, it creates the illusion that you have twice as many!

Metallic Surfaces

Photo: Newport Kitchens

Metals have a natural sheen in its composition to be reflective without being an exact mirror of other surfaces. Since many of your appliances will have a metallic surface, your natural light will bounce off these exteriors normally. Place your metallic surfaces on the opposite side of your natural light source with direct impact for maximum effect.

White Cabinets

Photo: Liz Scbunpanitz Designs

White reflects all other colors in the color spectrum and so it also reflects light from its surface. This is one of the reasons why white cabinets are so popular; white makes a kitchen look bigger and brighter. Using this neutral color means that this is versatile for any design aesthetic that you want for your kitchen!

White Backsplash

Photo: CAO Creative Ltd

Cabinets are not the only places where you can have the benefit of a white surface reflection. If your backsplash is in the direct path of sunlight from a window, it makes your kitchen sink area glow. The different textures of white backsplashes like subway tile raised flowers or unusual geometric shapes can make it look fresh.

Sheer Curtains

Photo: Gabriel Holland Interior Design

Some kitchen windows have heavy curtains to accent the room so that the kitchen doesn’t look plain. Consider looking for more window treatments that allow light to permeate the fabric and allow light into the room. For curtains, you are not limited to just white fabrics; decorated linens of any kind will work in this area.

Create Contrast with Dark Colors

Photo: CATO Creative Ltd

It may sound unexpected to use dark colors to create brightness in a kitchen, but this works in some places. By having darker accents of color in certain places, the rest of the kitchen will look brighter in contrast. Optimally, you should darken places that are not in the direct impact of natural light to greatly augment this effect.

Have a Bright Kitchen Island

Photo: Roundhouse

If you have available space, a bright kitchen island will naturally enhance the lightness of the entire room. As an island takes central focus in the middle of the room, all light sources will interact with it. Just be sure your kitchen island is within the direct path of the sunlight for best results in your home.

Change Your Door

Photo: CW Design, LLC

Having a kitchen door that is a darker wood color can draw unwanted attention, contrast, and even darken your kitchen. To remedy this, you can consider changing to a white door. While you can paint the door easily to brighten the room, you can replace it with a pre-hung door. Given the large surface that can reflect off of the door, this will make a significant difference in your kitchen.

Install a Window

Photo: Rezac Construction

Are you planning to remodel your home with major renovations? installing a window is a gorgeous way to add light. You will need to be aware of what direction your window faces as it will affect the light you receive. Windows that face east will get very direct light in the morning. Ones that face west will receive very ambient and golden light towards the evening. Windows that face south will get more light than windows that face north so compass direction will affect your brightness.

Install a Skylight

Photo: Benedict Design

If you don’t have a favorable wall option to add natural light, you might want to try looking up toward the roof! Having a skylight will evenly distribute the light throughout the room instead of favoring one side of the kitchen. The light can vary greatly since the amount of skylight above cannot be controlled. However, this adds to the overall brightness of the room and you need less additional lighting to make it brighter.

Many of these solutions play with existing ambient natural light that you can bounce and amplify to illuminate a room. However, if you are in a kitchen that does not have access to sunlight, modern solutions still exist. Bulbs with natural light hues, also known as “daylight bulbs,” exist on the market to produce that effect.

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Ryan is an experienced writer and kitchen renovation expert who loves sharing his knowledge with others. His background in construction and design gives him a deep understanding of what it takes to create functional and beautiful kitchens. Ryan's articles are filled with practical advice and step-by-step guides, making them a valuable resource for homeowners. In his free time, he enjoys hiking and exploring the great outdoors.